How to Build An Effective Inbound Marketing Strategy

As a business owner there are so many things to keep track of that sometimes your marketing efforts can fall by the wayside. It’s important that you are aware when this happening and take steps to rectify it. Today, a business without a coherent marketing vision will not last very long.

If you want to focus in on one area in particular, consider that inbound marketing is an excellent way of generating new business. This technique aims to draw customers in through social media, email newsletters, blogs and so on. It should be considered as distinct from traditional, more ‘aggressive’ marketing strategies such as cold calling, advertising and so on.

Here are some inbound marketing methods you might want to try:

Use Social Media: Your online profiles on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are a great way to begin marketing yourself in a less conventional way. For one thing, it gives you a variety of points from which to drive traffic to your website and allows you to cater for all kinds of clients.
Take your time when writing the ‘about you’ sections on your profiles, trying to inject some of your own personality into it so you are no longer just a faceless entity to potential customers. You will also find that regular posting of news, videos, useful articles and so on will boost the chances of social media users stumbling across your profile and taking an interest.

Write A Blog: This isn’t a waste of your time, as many people still insist on believing. Yes, building a successful blog takes a lot of time but the rewards can be significant. If you are savvy enough about write about the things that really interest your customer base then you should be able to build up some regular readers. It also helps establish you as an expert in your field which is very important if you want to come across as someone to be trusted. The trick to successful blogging is to identify common problems or controversial subjects in your area of expertise. Your posts can either offer ways to resolve these problems, or they can foster healthy debate.

Make sure that you encourage your regular readers to share useful blogs on their own profiles and you should begin to notice an increased interest in your website. Be sure to integrate your blog content with your website to drive visitors straight there. Also, think about guest blogging on other sites to spread your expertise across an even wider area. This will help to build your reputation. Furthermore, because most blogging sites will allow guests to include a link to their own websites, it should also help drive in more customers.