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How to Gain More SEO Value From Product Descriptions
Google recently went on record to state that duplicate internal contents isn’t quite as hazardous as once thought. If the same information appears across multiple pages - like with product descriptions - you won’t be penalised.
It’s just that you also won’t be rewarded, as Google pretty much ignores this kind of duplicate content entirely.
Far from a bad thing, this provides savvy online store owners with the opportunity to gain an edge over their rivals. Simply by learning how to gain more value from your product descriptions, you could put yourself in a much stronger position.
Here’s how to boost the SEO value of your product descriptions, in order to get yourself in Google’s good books:
1. Write Longer, More Informative Descriptions
First up, Google has made clear its preference for longer-form content of a more descriptive and in-depth nature. This is true of all site content - product descriptions included.
The tendency is to keep things short and concise, allowing the customer to gain a quick overview of the product at a glance. This is fine, but it can also be useful to provide a secondary description on the same page, which goes into much more detail.
If it’s a fairly simple product, going into huge amounts of detail may not be an option. But if there’s something of genuine value and relevance you feel the customer should know, ensure it is included in your product descriptions.
2. Demonstrate your Expertise
Always remember that your product descriptions can also be useful for demonstrating your experience and exerting your authority. You could, for example, offer suggestions on how your products can be used, or explain what it is that makes them superior to competitors’ products.
Content that shows your products being used in the real world can also be pure gold. Don’t forget that Google is increasingly showing a preference to pages that contain rich and relevant video content.
Something that can and should be leveraged for better product descriptions, where appropriate.
3. Answer as Many Questions as Possible
These days, online search is more about asking detailed questions than hammering in a few basic keywords. Something that counts double with voice search, where the vast majority of queries take the form of questions.
Consequently, transforming your product descriptions into helpful FAQ pages can make a real difference. Find out what your target audience is searching for, include these actual questions on your pages and answer them thoroughly.
Another great opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, while bringing the best possible long-term search terms into your content.
4. Add Reviews and UGC
Last up, customer reviews are pure gold for both SEO performance and better conversion rates. The same can also be said for user-generated content - anything submitted by your customers about your products.
The added bonus with UGC is the bare minimum time and effort involved in bringing it into your pages. Your customers do the work on your behalf - you simply need to pick the best extracts and publish them.
Always remember that every product description can and should be enhanced with product reviews, ratings and recommendations.