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How To Get Social Media Working For You
It’s pretty much a given today that maintaining a social media presence can really help your online business. That being said, how do you find out how successful your strategy is? Social media marketing can be quite time-consuming, meaning that many companies ignore the need to analyse their results efficiently. Putting some time aside to measure ROI means that you can begin to work out what you’re doing right and what needs improvement. Gradually you will hone your strategy so that all your Facebook and Twitter posts hit their mark. Here’s how you find out if your social media marketing is working for you:
Website Traffic: One of the first things you need to do is find out how many visitors are making it to your website directly from your social media accounts, and how long they are spending there once they find it. It’s worth investing some time and money in setting up a landing page just for one type of audience, such as your Facebook followers. All you need to do is alter your current home page a little so that it caters specifically for the kind of audience you are targeting with your social media. The percentage of visitors that come directly to this page rather than your general home page should give you some indication of how well your marketing efforts are working.
Metrics: Measuring your social media engagement is never going to be an exact science, but metrics can give you a broad picture of how well you are performing. Most social media platforms will provide you with some kind of basic metrics so it’s worth paying attention to these. You could also consider investing in a bit of pay-per-click advertising on the top social media platforms: this will allow you to measure exactly how many people saw your post, how many clicked and how many visited your site and spent money as a result of this.
Market Research: Aside from the above, you shouldn’t neglect some of the more ‘old-school’ methods. Why not try running surveys on your site now and then to see how many people found you as a result of social media, and what they thought of your Facebook and Twitter pages? If you run networking events or conferences you could also think about polling guests to these to see if they found you through social media or other means. Be creative about it – there are plenty of ways to get the information you want when you start brainstorming.
Hire Outside Help: Finally, if you really do find the whole area of social media marketing a bit of a minefield but you want to boost your online presence, why not try spending your marketing budget on hiring an expert who is familiar with the latest methodologies and knows how to get results? This doesn’t have to be a full-time employee: you could hire somebody part-time or on a consultancy basis. Many companies have found that this really pays off, but just make sure you do your research and look for someone who comes highly recommended and has a proven track record.