How To Increase Your Email List

You may have spent ages getting your website perfect, but often a fantastic website isn’t enough on its own. You also need to work on reminding people to come back again and again. With so much choice open to them today, consumers can be fickle and quick to be seduced by the next ‘unmissable’ offer. One way to keep that steady stream of repeat customers coming in is to send out regular emails with offers and product information targeted to their needs. But to make this tactic pay off you need to constantly increase your mailing list. 

Here’s how:

Use Your Website: It sounds obvious, but you should always have clear instructions on your site as to how customers can sign up to your mailing list. However, do bear in mind that many people are inundated with junk mail today and may be reluctant to do this. What you need to do, therefore, is offer them an incentive to give you their email details. This could be in the form of a free gift, free e-book, training course or anything you think might appeal to your audience base.

You should always publish a regular newsletter to keep people informed of developments at your company. Make sure that this also includes instructions for joining your mailing list to receive all future news. You may think: ‘What is the point of this? Surely anyone who receives my newsletters will already be on my mailing list’. Not so. People will often forward interesting newsletters to friends and colleagues so they offer great opportunity for growing your email list.

Outgoing Emails: Most company owners will find themselves sending out many emails on a daily basis. These might be in answer to enquiries, to respond to any comments on your website or to drum up new business. Whatever the reason, your signature line should have built-in instructions on how to join your mailing list. You don’t have to be pushy about this, but it’s worth inviting everyone with whom you correspond.

At Trade Fairs: For many companies – particularly those that operate mainly online – trade fairs are the best opportunity they have to make new business contacts and showcase new products. For this reason, you should be doing everything you can when you attend such an event to increase your email list. Hand out business cards with information on how to sign up and mention it in any leaflets you give out from your stand. If you are invited to give any speeches or presentations then be sure to emphasise the benefits to customers of receiving regular email updates.

Pop-Ups: You may find these annoying but the fact is that pop-ups do work. So if you have a blog, make sure it comes with a pop-up inviting readers to subscribe to your email list.