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How To Make More Money In Your Business By Offering Your Customers A ‘Premium’ Service
It only took 13 years for some bright spark at Universal Studios, to recognise that the Florida theme park could be raking in an extra £25m a year – with virtually no extra effort.No additional staff, overheads, nothing. Just an extra £25m straight on to the bottom line.
So what did they do?
They introduced a 'premium' offering to their visitors: namely that their customers could choose to skip the queues for rides by buying a Universal Express day ticket on top of their normal entrance fee, costing around $95 (the actual charges vary according to the season).
To make it viable, Universal decided that they would sell a maximum of 1000 'Express' tickets per day. And boy, do they sell out fast! Every single day.
You see, a fair number of the people who visit the Orlando theme park are more than happy to pay the premium ticket rate to avoid the hassles of queuing. They see that giant Hulk Rollercoaster looming and they just want to be experiencing the thrill of the ride, rather than the moans of their kids being forced to stand in line for three hours.
Now you're probably thinking: this is all very interesting, but what has it got to do with me?
As a business owner you will almost certainly have a premium offer lurking somewhere in your business – all you need to do is find it. And then sell it to your customers.
And if you think you don't have one, you're not looking hard enough!
I was discussing the Universal Express tale with a friend of mine who is a chiropractor. "That's not much help to me," he said. "I can't upgrade the way I treat someone's back, can I? I can only fix it or not fix it."
"But what would your customers pay extra for, if you made it available to them?" I prompted.
"Well, I suppose . . . convenience . . ."
Now my friend the chiropractor has introduced an extra charge for clients who prefer to acquire his expertise outside of the normal 9-5. If they want to book in after 5pm then they know they will pay extra for the privilege. If they want to come at the weekend, or during the lunch hour, then the premium rate applies.
You might be surprised how readily your customers or clients will accept these additional charges for being given more choice – added convenience.
So unlock the premium offering in your business and start reaping the rewards, for no extra effort.