How To Market Your Business During Covid 19 Crisis

There’s no point trying to pretend that the situation right now is anything but dire. Irrespective of the type of business you run, you’ll have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. You’ll probably also be feeling the after effects for some time.

Staying positive and optimistic isn’t easy, but is really the only realistic way of getting by in times like these. If there’s something you can do to make the best of the bad situation right now, it’s probably something you should be doing.

With this in mind, here are seven ideas to consider focusing on while there’s not much else happening with your business:

1.  Reach out to your customers

It’s worth remembering that for the most part, your customers are likely just as bored and fed up as you are. All of which makes now the perfect time to reach out to them with a few words of wisdom and encouragement, or simply to remind them that you exist and you’re all in it together.

2.  Review your website content

If you’ve time to kill and limited funds to play with, this could be the first time to go through your website content in its entirety with a fine tooth comb.  Consider where your content could be expanded, improved and optimised for enhanced performance going forwards.

3.  Get social

Similar to the first suggestion, you could also use any additional time you have to step up your social strategy. The major social platforms have become highly important for those stuck at home and struggling during the pandemic, so it’s the perfect place to head right now.

4.  Learn some new skills

Why not take the time to work on your own skills and knowledge, in order to put yourself in a better position when finally return to normal? There’s no shortage of online courses and simple tutorials available, covering pretty much every subject and skill imaginable.

5.  Optimise your blog posts

There’s a good chance that whatever you do and/or sell isn’t really a priority for your target audience right now. Instead, they’re more interested in what’s going on in a more general sense at the moment - topics you can always bring into discussion with your blog posts.

6.  Enhance your website’s UI

Along with the content itself, now could also be the time to take a step back and consider how user friendly or otherwise your website is as a whole. Pull yourself in the position of the visitor and make a list of what you like, what could stand to be improved and what needs to be eliminated from the equation entirely.

7.  Host a competition of some kind

Last up, the vast majority of consumers always find the prospect of a freebie irresistible - irrespective of how dire and the situation happens to be at the time. If you’re not making any sales and you’re struggling to maintain the attention of your audience, hosting a competition or giveaway of some kind could be just the thing for keeping them engaged and interested.