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How To Promote A New Product Online
When you’re launching a new product then you will want as many people to be aware of it as possible. These days, this requires a well thought-out online marketing campaign. Luckily, there are so many options open to you (many of them free) that you can employ a multi-pronged approach across several different platforms to reach out to all your target customers. The best thing to do is plan well in advance and start marketing prior to the launch itself to create anticipation.
Here is how to use the internet to market your product:
Pre-Launch Marketing: It’s a good idea to ‘tease’ the market a bit before you introduce your new product. Don’t release too many details as you don’t want to give everything away at once, but instead post hints on your website that there is a new product coming, or if your product meets a very specific need then post hints in appropriate forums to start rumours about a possible solution upcoming. Basically, be creative and do everything you can think of to start building up a bit of a buzz.
Facebook: Create an incentive for people to ‘like’ and follow your company’s page by offering a freebie – whether that is a money-off voucher, sample product or whatever you are able to provide. This way, when it comes to announcing your new product launch you already have a captive audience in place. Try to make your posts as fun and imaginative as possible in order to get plenty of shares.
Website Design: Social media is great but of course you also need a well-designed website – an online ‘home’ for your company. In fact, all your online marketing efforts are essentially geared towards driving visitors to your website so they can buy your products. When they are there, you need to make sure that your new product is in a prominent position, there is a clear call to action to buy and your online checkout works perfectly. If you really wanted to draw attention to your product you could even set up a separate site specifically for this.
Email Marketing: Well in advance of your product launch, make sure you have been putting together a large mailing list of existing clients (you can do this by collecting their details when you make a sale or getting them to sign up from your website by offering freebies). This way, when you want to advertise your new product you can sent out a newsletter to everybody on your list.
Banner Ads: You will probably be pleasantly surprised to find that both Google AdWords and Facebook ads are easy enough to do on your own. Yes, it will cost money to advertise (unlike email marketing or social media which are free) but if you time it right and design a really eye-catching ad then the extra publicity will be worth it.