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How To Put More Personality Into Your Marketing
Is your marketing approach missing the human element? Are you and your employees leaving your customers cold? Do you struggle to reach out to your target market and interact with them on a meaningful level? Do you only operate online and so find you never get to meet people face-to-face? If so, this article offers some ways you can use your marketing strategy to get past these problems and build a more accessible image. After all, even in this hi-tech world people still feel more comfortable buying from other people.
Here’s what you can do:
Network: Don’t confine yourself to your office or hide behind your website. We all depend too much these days on e-communication, but if you really want people to identify with you and your brand you should be taking the time to meet them whenever possible. In short, a major part of marketing is putting a human face to your company. Attending trade fairs or conferences is a great way to network with customers or potential business partners. You could also set up events in your local area, such as a charity concert or free seminar, and invite people to come along.
Introduce Your Team: Make it easy for customers to see who they are dealing with by including names and photos of your key employees on your website. This way, they will not only know who to contact but will also be able to put a face to a name. You will be surprised how such a simple thing can build up consumer confidence. After all, you have presumably hired your staff because of their skills and expertise: surely, then, you should be making the most of these assets by showcasing your team as much as possible.
Respond Quickly: You should never keep your customers waiting. If they have sent a query by email or left a message on your answering machine then you should make it a rule to get back to them within 24 hours. Think how frustrating it is when you try to contact a company and nobody gets back to you. To begin with, it’s rude, but it also gives the impression that customer service is not your priority. To this end, make sure that it’s very easy for people to reach you. Include all the important phone numbers and email addresses on your website, as well as your main business address. You should be particularly efficient when responding to and dealing with complaints.
Encourage Dialogue: These days, marketing isn’t just about hammering home your message through advertising and so on. There’s an entirely different side to it which is all about working on a dialogue with your customers. This is where social networking comes in: it’s vital that you have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. After all, these kinds of channels are actually designed or informal communication so there’s no better way to help you inject a little personality into your marketing efforts. Your posts should be entertaining, informative and encourage your followers to respond and share.