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How To Sell More Through Social Commerce
The art of effectively selling products on social media takes time to master. But given the immense appeal and influence of social media worldwide, there’s no better place to showcase your merchandise.
Social commerce provides online retailers with the opportunity to leverage their existing audiences and broaden their reach. All with the potential to go viral at any time, if your content hits home with its recipients.
Of course, the core of your social commerce strategy will be influenced heavily by what you sell and who you sell it to. But when it comes to the foundations of effective social commerce, the same fundamentals apply.
With this in mind, here is a brief overview of the six most important cornerstones of effective social commerce in 2022:
1. A Detailed Understanding of Your Audience Profile
First up, you need to take the time to get to know everything there is to know about your target audience. Who they are, where they are located, their preferences, their priorities, their expectations, their lifestyle, their budget and so on. The more you know about your target audience, the easier it becomes to get them on board with what you do.
2. An Attractive Social Storefront
This basically applies to all aspects of the way you present your online store visually via social media. Be mindful of the fact that people make snap decisions based on what they see at a glance. If they are not won over in an instant by how you present your products, your services and your brand, it’s game over.
3. Minimisation of Promotional Posts
The challenge lies in finding ways to showcase and promote your products that are anything but promotional. At least, not in the conventional hard-sell sense. The art of selling without selling holds the key to a successful social commerce strategy. This is where you demonstrate the benefits and value of your products in such a way that they sell themselves.
4. UGC and Social Proof
Nothing is more appealing than positive reviews, ratings and recommendations from real customers. All of which should play a major role at the heart of your social commerce strategy. UGC in particular can be hugely influential. Videos of customers using your products, clips demonstrating how your products are used and so on. Essentially, anything positive that comes direct from your customers - and not from you personally.
5. Evidence of Engagement
Make the effort to engage and interact with your audience at every available opportunity. Embrace the ‘social’ side of social media and become a part of the community you are targeting. Sellers who adopt a passive, one-way approach to their social strategies are never particularly appealing. Establishing trust and building meaningful relationships begins with honest, open and engaging interaction.
6. Monitoring, Analysis and Optimisation
Last up, most social networks have their own in-built analytics suites for performance tracking and monitoring. This information can be used to create a blueprint for a successful social commerce strategy. Build a better understanding of your strengths, work on addressing your weaknesses and continuously optimise your campaign for ongoing improvement.