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How To Write Effective Social Media Posts
When you’re using social media for business, the thing to remember is that it’s not to be used in the same way as your company website. Your website is there to draw in potential clients via search engines or personal recommendations. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter, on the other hand, are there to give you a more informal base to reach out to potential clients who might not otherwise have heard of you. It’s more about engagement and sharing of information than hard selling. If you do it well, social media can be a powerful marketing tool – but it can take time to get your ‘voice’ right.
Here are some things to consider when you’re writing posts for your social media accounts:
Keep Facebook Posts Brief: With Twitter, you are limited to 140 characters so you’re forced to be succinct. With Facebook, on the other hand, your posts could theoretically be as long as you want so the temptation is there to try and cram in as much information as possible. Resist this temptation. Remember that the average online browser’s attention is very limited so they will not bother to read on if your post is very wordy. Try to keep your posts punchy and to the point. If you need to get a fair amount of information in, then try to make the most important and interesting points in the first couple of sentences.
Be Engaging: With social media it is all about finding your voice, and this will have a lot to do with the audience you are reaching out to. In general, you will find that social media users expect a more relaxed, informal style of communication. You should therefore make sure your posts are entertaining, fun and something people will want to share. This is your chance to project a ‘human’ voice as opposed to coming across as just another faceless brand.
Don’t Sell: This point has been emphasised time and time again but some companies still persist in approaching social media in the same way they would approach an advertising campaign. If you go for the hard sell on Facebook and Twitter, all you will do is put people off and they will stop following you. On social media, people want to be entertained and informed.
Don’t Confine Yourself To Text: Whilst text can be essential to get your message across, sometimes it just isn’t immediately arresting enough. If you really want your post to stand out, combine it with an eye-catching image. You could also be including links to videos or other websites in your posts. The combination of a creative message and a great image is something that is almost guaranteed to get your followers sharing your posts with other social media users.