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Marketing Your Company Through Your Employees
It’s often been said that good employees are one of a company’s most effective marketing tools – but this is only true if they know how to represent you in the most effective way. To do this, they should be aware of your company’s core values and how to communicate them. You should also remember that the most effective employees are those who are well-treated and feel they are getting something from their role as well. If they are learning and developing their careers at the same time as acting as marketing ambassadors for you, then everyone’s a winner. Here, then, are some simple things you can do to achieve this:
Invite Feedback: Your employees will be more inclined to market your business in a positive light if they feel they are being listened to in the first place. To this end, you shouldn’t just invite ideas from your actual marketing team: why not hold regular focus groups to ask your employees what they think and whether they have any ideas as to how your company can be presented better to customers? This can be particularly useful if you have a new product launch, trade show or other important event coming up. Remember, if people have been involved in the decision-making on some level they are more likely to feel a sense of ‘ownership’ and take pride in what they are doing.
Training: Each and every one of your employees needs to have a thorough knowledge of your products and services: what are their benefits and what makes you stand out from your competitors? If they don’t know all of this, how are they meant to sound enthusiastic to customers on the phone or via email? Employees should be encouraged to know and love your products and, if possible, use them themselves.
Clear Mission Statement: As well as ensuring your employees are well versed in the advantages of your products, they need to understand the values the company for which they work embodies. For this reason, you need to develop a clear and simple mission statement that can be communicated to everyone in the company. What is your vision and how can your employees work together to achieve this? You will find that goals become much more attainable when everyone is on the same page.
Don’t Fear Social Media: Don’t leave the social media strategy to your marketing team, and don’t be afraid of your employees using it during working hours. Some companies assume that it affects productivity and that their employees will inevitably be going on there to chat to their friends. But remember this: an effective social media strategy rolled out across your company can help you relate to your customers on a whole new level and reach out to far more people than would be possible otherwise. Instead of clamping down on social media use, why not encourage employees, and indeed train them, to use it to promote your business?