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Some 2020 Mobile Marketing Statistics
Here’s a post featuring just a few of the most important mobile marketing stats you’re going to need for a successful 2020:
1. ComScore research suggests that when local business information is sought via a mobile device, there is a 78% chance of the respective individual converting. Which is exponentially higher than when search is carried out from all other desktop and mobile devices alike.
2. According to Marketing Land, nine out of 10 consumers now instinctively and habitually use their smartphones while in physical stores, in order to help them make purchase decisions. Meaning that even when consumers shop the traditional way, they remain comprehensively reliant on mobile search.
3. socPub researchers found that the majority of mobile device users (57%) will refuse to recommend businesses to other people if they deem them to have a substandard mobile website. A crucially important statistic, given the way in which so many businesses continue to operate with poorly-designed mobile sites.
4. Google accounts for a whopping 95% of all paid search ad clicks in the US. Research from Search Engine Land would seem to suggest therefore that Google really is in a league of its own when it comes to paid-search.
5. Having seen an extraordinary increase since last year, Facebook’s total annual advertising revenues are now generated to the tune of 87% from mobile. AdWeek research found that Facebook’s advertising revenues are increasingly moving away from the traditional desktop platform.
6. By the end of the current decade, mobile advertising will account for almost three-quarters (72%) of total annual digital advertising spending in the United States. The vast majority of businesses having indicated their intention to increase mobile marketing spending significantly over the next few years.
7. That said, a surprisingly low 68% of companies have so far brought mobile marketing into their wider marketing strategies as a key element of importance. Research from Salesforce apparently suggesting that a third of all businesses still haven’t picked up on the importance of mobile.
8. Nevertheless, 71% of those working in the marketing capacity stated that mobile marketing is of critical importance for the success of an organisation as a whole. 29% apparently failing to grasp the significance of mobile.
9. As far as mobile users go, 83% believe that it is of critical importance for businesses to deliver a smooth and seamless experience across every type of mobile device. No longer is there any allowance for superior performance on one mobile device, substandard performance on the next.
10. Last but not least, Strategy Trends reports that 83% of marketers working in a B2B capacity believe that mobile apps play an important role in an overall content marketing strategy. So once again, 2020 could be the year to finally give genuine thought to bringing mobile apps into your own wider digital roadmap.