Why Are Your Blog Posts Being Ignored?

Think all your blog posts are entertaining, relevant and hit your target audience every time?
Then how come nobody seems to be reading them and why are you picking up no regular followers?
When it comes to blogging, you can’t be too precious and sensitive about your work.
The fact is, if no-one is reading them then you’re doing something wrong somewhere along the line. 

Whether this is down to your subject matter, writing style or wider marketing efforts is something you will have to discover if you want to be a successful blogger.

So where might you be going wrong?

Not Saying Anything New: Your blog posts may be beautifully written, witty and well-considered. But if they aren’t challenging or contributing anything new to an existing debate then nobody is going to want to read through to the end or comment on them. Remember that with blogging it isn’t always about the way it’s written but the subject itself and saying something that makes people think. You want to grab your readers’ imaginations and get them talking, not pick over the same worn-out old arguments because you think you can write eloquently about them. 

It’s Not Useful: Often, people will follow a blog because it offers solutions to common problems or answers questions. Is your blog doing this, or are you simply using it as a way to hold forth on your favourite subjects? If you’re doing the latter, this could be where you’re going wrong. Think about doing a poll of the target audience in your sector to find out where their difficulties lie. Then, armed with this information, you can go about writing blogs that help to solve them.

You’re Talking Down: People don’t like to read things that make them feel excluded so think about whether your style of writing is above people’s heads. In most sectors, this is extremely offputting and makes readers feel patronised. So unless you’re going for a very tiny, very exclusive niche that enjoys reading technical jargon, stick to a friendly, informal tone that people can relate to. 

It’s Too Long: Most casual online browsers will have a limited attention span, and even a regular reader of a blog will often not have the time to read more than one or two pages. A good blog should seek to get across the main points in as brief and punchy a way as possible. Don’t go on for several paragraphs when one will do. And try to break the text up to make it more manageable. You’re not writing a novel here!

Boring Titles: It doesn’t matter what the body text of your blog is like if the title itself doesn’t draw people in. Title is everything, because mostly people will decide to read a blog based on this alone. Also, it’s important for SEO purposes: if there are certain keywords you want to include to draw in an audience, try to use these in the title and you’ll find you get a lot more interest in your blog.